Web work point

Php freelance programmer in kolkata, India

hire php programer

Thank you for visting my website, I am Abhijit Halder - a freelance php programer from Kolkata, India. I have an experience as a php programer for almost 6 years now having a good technical expertise. Having done lots of projects in the relevant field as a freelance php programer, I have gathered a good deal of expertise in varied fields of work arena.


My Skills as a freelance php programer will save you time and money, as I work at affordable cost. I handle all projects myself and stress mainly on quality and on-time delivery. If you are looking to hire php programer who can be trusted for giving high quality and fast turn around time, I may be your choice. If you want to hire php programer, I will gurantee reduced cost of development and programming.

As a freelance php programer, my programing expertise are:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • xml
  • PHP
  • MySql
  • Ajax

You can hire php programer on freelance

Looking to hire freelance php programer? If you want to hire php programer on freelance basis, get in touch with me at info@webworkpoint.com. Being an experienced freelance php programer, I would always like to use my skill set to develop your project(s).


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Why Should You Choose Me?

tick Experience and Expertise
tick Technology Competence
tick Commitment to Quality
tick Customer-Focused Approach
tick Commitment to Time
tick Affordable Cost

Webworkpoint has its own capabilities to handle diverse web development projects to cater to all kinds of web needs. Our experiences and expertise are chiefly on certain sections of the web technology areas. These include building custom CMS and E-commerce shopping carts, Customization of open source CMSs like Joomla and Oscommerce, development of Joomla and Oscommerce custom modules or components etc. We have extensive ideas on php programming that can provide you with robust platforms to build your website solution

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